Account: 3131424 Currency: USD Leverage: 1:500 2018 June 24, 21:04
Closed Transactions:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / PClose Time PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
874359672018.05.03 13:00:01sell0.16usdjpy109.51109.170.002018.05.03 19:07:35109.
874836582018.05.04 16:00:07sell0.16usdjpy108.81109.660.002018.05.24 10:19:20109.660.000.00-17.47-124.02
876273452018.05.09 08:00:01sell0.17usdjpy109.45109.660.002018.05.24 10:19:20109.660.000.00-15.73-32.56
878244302018.05.15 23:00:10sell0.35usdjpy110.38109.660.002018.05.24 10:19:20109.660.000.00-20.91229.80
  0.00 0.00 -54.11 123.05
Closed P/L: 68.94
Open Trades:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / P  PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
No transactions
  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
 Floating P/L: 0.00
Working Orders:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / PMarket Price 
No transactions
Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Credit Facility: 0.00  
Closed Trade P/L: 68.94 Floating P/L: 0.00 Margin: 0.00
Balance: 8 053.76 Equity: 8 053.76 Free Margin: 8 053.76
Gross Profit: 258.72 Gross Loss: 189.78 Total Net Profit: 68.94
Profit Factor: 1.36 Expected Payoff: 17.24  
Absolute Drawdown: 139.95 Maximal Drawdown: 189.78 (2.36%) Relative Drawdown: 2.36% (189.78)
Total Trades: 4 Short Positions (won %): 4 (50.00%) Long Positions (won %): 0 (0.00%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 2 (50.00%) Loss trades (% of total): 2 (50.00%)
Largest profit trade: 208.89 loss trade: -141.49
Average profit trade: 129.36 loss trade: -94.89
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 1 (208.89) consecutive losses ($): 2 (-189.78)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 208.89 (1) consecutive loss (count): -189.78 (2)
Average consecutive wins: 1 consecutive losses: 2